Monday, March 15, 2010

Ehow Weekly Earning Update 3/15/2010

I have had a good week on Ehow. The earnings are increasing slightly. The only bad thing is that I have not been able to publish many articles. I have articles written, but the publishing tool is not working for me at the moment. Since I have not been able to publish I have been spending more time on other sites like firehow.

Ehow Articles Written: 3

Ehow Earnings: $15

I am planning on trying to publish more articles in the next week. I am hoping that the earnings continue to show a small increase, and I can begin to earn what I was last year.

1 comment:

  1. you've written three articles and already earned 15.00? wow! did I see that correctly?
    I'm earning pennies and not sure if I want to continue or not....
