Monday, March 1, 2010

Ehow Monthly Earning Update 3/1/10

February was a month of a few problems with Ehow. For the first couple of weeks we could not publish any articles. This problem has been fixed. I have published a few articles since then, but not as many as I did before the problem came up.

The earnings have been gradually increasing through the month. Each week has been showing a gradual earning increase, and it is a good sign. I have had more day over $3 and $4 than I have in a couple of months. The last week of the month was the best, my total earnings was more than $20.

February Ehow Articles-30
February Ehow Earnings-$68

My home income has been improving at a decent pace, and I have to contribute a lot of the success to Ehow. It has given me a great earning source, and a great learning opportunity. I am just hoping that the earnings continue to increase.

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